Mimika Sommala – Pale Azure Blue
Keywords. : Perception of energy flows with responsiveness
This was the first of the Group Two Butterfly essences to come and is the one, which really opens up awareness and perception in the consciousness. Specifically Mimika Sommala opens up our awareness of the energy flows around us in the environment. This brings a much greater sensitivity and response in us to others and the demands of the environment.
We can get greater control of our thoughts and actions and harmonise these better with other people and other things. This brings us better success and harmony with others as well as facilitating much better work with crystals, energy fields and healing for example. We experience more inner peace and more ability to communicate positively with others, so we can achieve far more in group activities and projects. There is also an increased ability to contact and work with Spiritual Beings for the well being of everyone.
This colour contains elements of pale turquoise and pale blue so bringing a heightening of consciousness and improved balance with communication with others. Those with socialization problems such as Autism and learning disabilities may benefit from this essence, and children who find it difficult to be responsible.
There will be a better ability to detect crystal fields and to practically work with these for healing and cleansing, for example. The abilities to create in the field of music and writing will also improve and the mind and will work together, much more clearly. It will be very helpful in education and the growth of awareness in ecology and conservation, as well bringing a peaceful easy interaction between those who work together.